
Academic & Research

Academic & Research

Visits and lectures of scholars in 2019

Publication date: 2020-01-03Publisher:
Date Academic report Speaker Region Employer
2019-01-03 tTEM   – a new towed ground-based TEM system for imaging of the top 70 meter of the   subsurface Dr. Liu Lichao Denmark Aarhus University
2019-05-20 The   Seismic Structure of the North American Upper Mantle Prof.Walter Mooney USA US Geological Survey(USGS)
2019-06-13 Writing   and Publishing in International Scientific Journals: Guidelines to Technical   Writing in English Prof.Li Yaoguo USA Colorado School of Mines
2019-06-24 RBF   collocation methods for the solution of fourth order boundary value problems Prof.Chen Qingxiang USA University of Southern Mississippi
2019-07-09 Pre-P-wave   elasto-gravitational signals and their potential use in modern seismology Prof.Wang Rongjiang Germany National Geoscience Research Center(GFZ)
2019-08-25 Chemical   stratification in the bottom of upper mantle beneath Chinese continent   —Constraining by the largest scale seismic array Prof.Shen Xuzhang China Sun Yat-sen University
2019-09-27 From   laboratory experiment to planetary missions Prof.Koichiro Oyama Japan Kyushu university
2019-12-15 Patch   Tensor-based Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction and Classification Prof.Qian Du USA School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University
2019-12-24 Automated   GNSS and Teleseismic Earthquake Inversion (AutoQuake Inversion) for Tsunami   Early Warning: Retrospective and Real-Time Results Prof.Chen Kejie China Southern University of Science and Technology
2019-12-31 Autocorrelation   Reflectivity of Mars Dr. Deng Sizhuang USA Rice University


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