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Annual Geoophys, JASTP, Advance In Space Research, 科学通报,中国科学,地球物理学报,气象学报,空间科学学报,大气科学学报等期刊审稿人。







1余涛,刘立波,万卫星,一种改进电离层模式预报精度的方法。电波科学学报,1999V14, 72-75EI

2余涛,万卫星,刘立波,中低纬电离层电场理论模式。中国科学(A), 2002 V32688-696SCI

   Yu Tao, Wan Weixing, Liu Libo, A theoretical model for ionospheric electric fields at mid- and low- latitudes. Science in China (G), 2003, V46, 23-32.SCI

3Yu Tao, Wan Weixing, Liu Libo, Global scale annual and semi-annual variations of daytime NmF2 in high solar activity years. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 2004, v.66, Is.18, p.1691 - 1701.SCI

4Xiao Yin Li and Yu Tao* Annual and Semi-annual Variations of the Observed foF2 in a High Solar Activity Year. 2003Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic4(1), 41-62SCI

5余涛,万卫星,刘立波,雷久侯,电离层电场半年变化的模拟研究。空间科学学报,2004,V24, p182-193.

6余涛,万卫星,刘立波等,电离层电场半年变化对F2区峰值电子浓度的影响.2006, 地球物理学报,616-622SCI

YU Tao, WAN Wei-Xing, LIU Li-Bo, LUAN Xiao-Li, TANG Wei. 2006, A modeling study of the influence of electric fields onionosphere semiannual variations atmid- and low latitudes, Chinese Journal Geophysics, 539-545SCI

7Yu Tao, Wan Weixing, Liu Libo, A Simulation Study on the Semiannual Variation of Ionospheric F2-region Zonal Electric Fields at the Magnetic Equator.2006, Journal of Geophysics Researchdoi:10.1029/2005JA011390SCI

8X. Luan, L. Liu, W.Wan, J. Lei, and T. Yu, A climatology of the F-layer equivalent winds derived from ionosonde measurements over two decades along the 120_–150_ E sector, 2004, AnnalesGeophysicae2785-2796SCI


Zhipeng Ren, Weixing Wan, Yong Wei, LiBo Liu, Tao Yu, 2008. A theoretical model for mid- and low-latitude ionospheric electric fields in realistic geomagnetic fields,Chinese Science Bulletin,December, Volume 53, Issue 24, pp 3883-3890


11余涛,万卫星,刘立波等,利用IGS数据分析全球TEC的变化特性.2006, 地球物理学报,944-949SCIE

YU Tao, WAN Wei-Xing, LIU Li-Bo,TANG Wei, LUAN Xiao-Li, YANG Guang-Lin, 2006. Analysis of global tec annual and semi-annualvariations by using IGS data, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS,841-847SCI


XIA Chunliang, WAN Weixing, YUAN Hong, YU Tao,An analysis of the ionospheric disturbances during a magnetic storm observed with a GPS network, Chinese Journal of Space Science 2004-05



15Zhao, B., M. Wang, T. Yu, W. Wan, J. Lei, L. Liu, and B. Ning (2008), Is an unusual large enhancement of ionospheric electron density linked with the 2008 great Wenchuanearthquake?, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A11304, doi:10.1029/2008JA013613.SCI

【16】   Liu Dandan, Yu Tao*, Wang JingSong, Huang Cong, and Wan Weixing, Using the Radial Basis Function Neural Network to Predict Ionospheric Critical Frequency of F2-layer over Wuhan, 2009, Advances in Space Research, 43(11), 1780-1785

【17】   Yu Tao*, Mao Tian, WangYunGang, and WangJingSong, Study of the ionospheric anomaly before the Wenchuan earthquake, 2009, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(6), 1080-1086

【18】   Mao Tian, Wang JingSong, Yang GuangLin, Yu Tao, Ping JinSong, SuoYuCheng, Effects of typhoon Matsa on ionospheric TEC, 2010, Chinese Science Bulletin,55(8) ,712-717

【19】   余涛,王云冈, 王劲松,. 厦门电离层垂测站建设及初步结果[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2010, 25(2):538-542.

【20】   余涛, 王云冈, 毛田,. 台风期间厦门电离层变化的一次特例分析[J]. 气象学报, 2010, 68(4):569-576.

【21】   ZhaoBiqiang, Wang Min, Yu, Tao, Xu Guirong, Wan Weixing and Liu Libo, Ionospheric total electron content variations prior to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, 2010, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(13),3545- 3557

【22】   Wang Siyu, Wang Jingsong, Yu Tao, Shan Haibin, and Zhang Xiaoxin, Preliminary analysis of ionospheric scintillations over Guangzhou region of China, 2010, Chin. J. Space Sci., 30(2), 141-147

【23】   Ding Feng, Wan Wweixing, Xu Guirong, Yu Tao, Yang G., and Wang J., Climatology of mediumscale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by a GPS network in central China,  2011,J. Geophys. Res., 116, A09327, doi:10.1029/2011JA016545

【24】   Xia Chunliang, Wang Qi, Yu Tao, Xu Guirong, and Yang Shaomin, Variations of ionospheric total electron content before three strong earthquakes in the Qinghai-Tibet region, 2011, Advances in Space Research , 47(3), 506–514

【25】   Xia Chunliang, Yang Shaomin, Xu Guirong, Zhao Biqiang and Yu Tao, Ionospheric Anomalies Observed by GPS TEC Prior to the Qinghai-Tibet Region Earthquakes, 2011, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22(2),177-185

【26】   王勇, 林兆祥, 余涛*, 厦门电离层电子密度剖面最优插值同化的初步建立, 2011, 空间科学学报, 31(6), 771-777

【27】   王云冈, 余涛, 王东峰, 张峰, 向帆, 王海东, 克州电离层测高仪站建设及初步结果, 2012,地球物理学进展, 27(6),2316-2321

【28】   Huang Cong, Li Jia-Wei, Yu Tao*, Xue Bing-Sen, and Liu Dan-Dan, The Capabilities and Applications of FY-3A/B SEM on Monitoring Space Weather Events, 2012, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 50(12), 4975-4985

【29】   Yu Tao*, MaoTian, Wang Yungang, Zeng Zhongcao, Wang Jingsong, and Fang Hanxian, Using the GPS Observations to Reconstruction the Ionosphere in Three-Dimensional by an Ionospheric Data Assimilation and Analysis System (IDAAS),Science China (G),2014,V5

【30】   Yu Tao*, MaoTian, Wang Yungang, Zeng Zhongcao, Xia Chunliang, Wu Fenglei, and Le Wang, Simulation study of slant-to-vertical deviation in two dimensional TEC mapping over ionosphere equatorial anomaly,Advances in Space Research,2014,DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2014.04.015

【31】   曾中超,余涛, 毛田, 王劲松, 王云冈, 王海东. (2014). 电离层高频传播点对点射线追踪仿真器. 电波科学学报, 29(3).

【32】   江芳, 毛田, 李小银, 付利平, 王咏梅, 余涛. (2014). 利用OI135.6nm夜气辉辐射探测电离层峰值电子密度及电子总含量的研究. 地球物理学报, 57(11), 3679-3687.

【33】   解海永, 余涛*, 王铁邦, 王乐, 电离层水平电场与风场的耦合模拟研究, 空间科学学报, 2014, V(6)

【34】   Yu Tao*, Huang Cong, Zhao Guangxin, Mao Tian, Wang Yungang, Zeng Zhongcao, Wang Jingsong, and Xia Chunliang, A preliminary study of thermosphere and mesosphere wind observed by Fabry-Perot over middle China,J. Geophys. Res., 2014, DOI: 10.1002/2013JA019492

【35】   余涛*, 毛田, 王云冈, 解海永, 夏淳亮, 二维电离层发电机理论模式及其初步应用, 地球物理学报, 2014,V557doi10.6038/cjg20140501

【36】   Yu Tao*, Mao Tian, Xia Chunliang, and Wan WeiXing, A Simulation Study of the Mid- and Low- Latitude Ionospheric Electric Fields, 2014, Chin. Space Sci.,34(3), 287-295

【37】   Qian S, Feng D, Tao YU, et al. (2015), GPS detection of the coseismic ionospheric disturbances following the 12 May 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in China[J]. Science China Earth Science, 58(1):151-158.

【38】   王云冈, 余涛, 曾中超, 王劲松, 杨平, 毛田等. (2015). 短波信道与其链路穿过的电离层相关性分析. 地球物理学进展, 30(1), 8-14.

【39】   姚璐, 张学民, 余涛*. (2014). 中国区域电离层tec与月均值偏差的空间相关性研究. 地球物理学报, 57(11), 3600-3610.

【40】   Xin Yao, Tao Yu, Biqiang Zhao, You Yu, Libo Liu, Baiqi Ning,Weixing Wan,(2015),Advances in Space Research 56, 13541365

【41】   吴褀, 余涛*, 林兆祥, 夏醇亮, 左小敏, 王霄. (2016). 海南电离层f区不规则体的气辉观测. 地球物理学报, 59(1), 17-27.

【42】   Mao, T., Sun, L., Yang, G., Yue, X.Tao Yu, et. al., (2016). First ionospheric radio-occultation measurements from GNSS occultation sounder on the chinesefeng-yun 3c satellite. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 1-10.

【43】   Zuo, X., Yu, T*., Xia, C., Huang, J., & Xu, J. (2016). Coordinated study of scintillations recorded by chinese fy-2 geostationary meteorological satellite and vhf coherent radar observations over south china. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

【44】   Yu, T., Xia, C., Zuo, X., Huang, C., Mao, T., & Liu, L., et al. (2016). A comparison of mesospheric and lowthermospheric winds measured by fabry perot interferometer and meteor radar over center china. Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics.

【45】   Yu, T., Zuo, X., Xia, C., Li, M., Huang, C., & Mao, T., et al. (2017). Peak height of oh airglow derived from simultaneous observations a fabryperot interferometer and a meteor radar. Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, 122.


【1】       余涛, 王云冈, 曾中超, 徐彬彬, 彭开志, 毛田等. (2015). 基于电离层资料的同步自适应短波通信选频方法. CN104270190A.

【2】       周率,唐哥实,王劲松,毛田,余涛,(2013),一种电离层时延的计算方法,中国国防专利201218002557

【3】       余涛,毛田,王云冈,电离层突然骚扰分级,气象出版社,气象行业标准2011

【4】  乐贵明,余涛,毛田,赵光欣,电离层电子浓度总含量(TEC)扰动分级,国家标准2011

【5】  王云冈,余涛,毛田,电离层名词术语,气象行业标准2013





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