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 8.  Ding, K., J. Freymueller, Q. Wang, and R. Zou (2015), Coseismic and early postseismic deformation of the 5 January 2013 Mw 7.5 Craig earthquake from static and kinematic GPS solutions, Bull. Seismol. Soc.  Am., 105,1153-1164, doi:10.1785/0120140172.


 9.  Xu, C., Q. Fan, Q. Wang, S. Yang, and G. Jiang (2014), Postseismic deformation after 2008Wenchuan Earthquake, Surv. Rev., 46(339), 432-436.  


10.  乔学军,王 琪,杨少敏,李 杰 (2014), 2008年新疆乌恰Mw6.7地震震源机制与形变特征的InSAR研究,地球物理学报, 57(6), 1805-1813.   Qiao, X.,  Q. Wang, S. Yang,  and J. Li (2014 )  Study on the focal mechanism  and deformation characteristics for the 2008 Ms 6.8  Wujia earthquake, Xinjing  by InSAR (in Chinese), Chinese J. Geophys., 57(6), 1805-1813,  


11. Zou, R., J. Freymueller, K. Ding, S. Yang, and Q. Wang* (2014), Evaluating seasonal loading models and their impact on global and regional reference frame alignment, J. Geophys. Res. Solid  Earth, 119, 1337-1358, doi:10.1002/2013JB010186 .


12.  Yang, S., K. Tan, and Q. Wang* (2013), Coseismic effect of 2011 Japan earthquake on Crustal Movement Observation Network of  China, Terr. Atom. Ocean, 24(4)Part I,  531-540, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.10.25.01(TibXS) .  


13. 谭 凯,杨少敏,乔学军,许才军,王 琪* (2013)2008年汶川地震中断坡-滑脱断层破裂:龙门山挤压隆升的大地测量证据,地球物理学报,56(5),1506-1516. Tan, K., S. Yang, X. Qiao, C. Xu, and  Q. Wang* (2013),  Rupture of ramp-décollement faults in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake-Geodetic evidence for the uplift of  the Longmen Shan driven by convergence deformation ( in Chinese), Chinese J. Geophys., 56(5),1506-1516.   


14. 杨少敏,兰启贵,聂兆生,王庆良,李 恒,廖华,谭 凯,乔学军,王 琪* (2012),用多种数据构建2008年汶川特大地震同震位移场,地球物理学报,55(8), 2575-2588.  Yang, S., Q. Lan, Z. Nie, Q.-L. Wang,  H. Li, H.  Liao, K. Tan, X. Qiao, and Q. Wang*(2012), Coseismic displacement caused by the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake derived by various types of geodetic data (in Chinese),  Chinese JGeophys.,55(8), 2575-2588.


15. 李 强,游新兆,杨少敏,杜瑞林,乔学军,邹 蓉,王 琪(2012)中国大陆构造变形高精度大密度GPS监测-现今速度场,中国科学 (D辑),  42(5), 629 - 632. 活动ao﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽map ations.J,g Q, Zhang P-Z, Freymueller T

献ngxian﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽Li, Q., X. You, S. Yang, R. Du, X. Qiao, R.  Zong, and  Q. Wang(2012), A precise velocity field of tectonic deformation in China as inferred from intensive GPS observations,  Sci.  China (Ser. D), 55 (5), 695-698.  


16. Wang, W., B. Zhao, Q. Wang, and S. Yang (2012),  Noise analysis of continuous GPS coordinate time series for CMONOC. Adv. Space Res., 49(3), 943-956.  


17. Qiao, X., S. Yang, R. Du,  L. Ge, and  Q. Wang  (2011)Coseismic slip from the 6 October 2008, Mw6.3 Damxung earthquake, Tibetan Plateau, constrained by InSAR observations. Pure Appl. Geophys., 168 (10), 1749-1758.  


18 Wang, Q., X. Qiao, Q. Lan, J. Freymueller, S. Yang, C. Xu, Y. Yang, X. You, K. Tan, and G. Chen (2011). Rupture of deep faults in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and uplift of the Longmen Shan. Nature Geosci. 4(9).  634-640.  


19 Sun, W., Q. Wang, H. Li, Y. Wang, and S. Okubo (2011)A reinvestigation of crustal thickness in the Tibetan Plateau using absolute gravity, GPS and GRACE data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22(2), 109-119


 20 Wang, Q., P.-Z. Zhang, J. Freymuller, R. Bilham, K. Larson, X.  Lai, X. You, Z. Niu, J. Wu, Y. Li, J. Liu, Z. Yang and Q. Chen (2001), Present-day crustal deformation in China constrained by Global Positioning System measurements, Science, 294 (5542), 574-577.




1) 2014-01-02-35, 应用GPS技术进行中亚天山地区现代地壳运动研究,获中国测绘科技进步二等奖 (排名4) 王晓强,李杰,郑黎明,王琪,刘代芹,杨少敏,朱治国,程瑞忠 沈军,李桂荣,新疆地震测绘研究院

      2)2012年因参与“ 中国西部活动断层的InSAR/GPS观测与构造机理研究”, 获湖北省科技进步三等奖(排名9).

      3)2012年因参与“2008年汶川Ms8.0级特大地震近场三维形变的精密测定”研究, 获中国测绘科技进步二等奖(排名1)。

     4)  2007年因参与“天山及邻近地区现今地壳运动研究”, 获中国测绘科技进步三等奖(排名3)。

    5)2004年因参与“中国大陆现今地壳运动与活动地块及其边界运动学研究”,获中国地震局防震减灾优秀成果一等奖. (排名4)


  7) 1997年因“GPS在地壳形变测量与地震中长期预报中应用研究”, 获国家地震局科学技术进步一等奖,并获1998年度国家科学技术进步三等奖(排名3).



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