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罗银河(Yinhe Luo),男,汉族,出生于湖北省赤壁市,博士,教授,博士生导师



电子邮箱:luoyinhe@cug.edu.cn   办公室电话:027-67883703

















Zhao, K., Luo, Y., & Xie, J. (2017). Broad-band Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps (10–150 s) across the United States from ambient noise data. Geophysical Journal International, 208(2), 1265-1275.

Xu, Y., Zhu, L., Wang, Q., Luo, Y., & Xia, J. (2017). Heat shielding effects in the Earth’s crust. Journal of Earth Science, 28(1), 161-167.

Wang, K., Luo, Y., & Yang, Y. (2016). Correction of phase velocity bias caused by strong directional noise sources in high-frequency ambient noise tomography: a case study in Karamay, China. Geophysical Journal International, 205(2), 715-727.

Luo, S., Luo, Y., Zhu, L., & Xu, Y. (2016). On the reliability and limitations of the SPAC method with a directional wavefield. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 126, 172-182.

Xu, H., Luo, Y., Chen, C., & Xu, Y. (2016). 3D shallow structures in the Baogutu area, Karamay, determined by eikonal tomography of short-period ambient noise surface waves. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129, 101-110.

Xu, Y., Zhang, S., Griffin, W. L., Yang, Y., Yang, B., Luo, Y., ... & Lei, B. (2016). How did the Dabie Orogen collapse? Insights from 3D magnetotelluric imaging of profile data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(7), 5169-5185.

Xu, Y., Yang, B., Zhang, S., Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Huang, R., ... & Luo, Y. (2016). Magnetotelluric imaging of a fossil paleozoic intraoceanic subduction zone in western Junggar, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(6), 4103-4117.

Cheng, F., Xia, J., Luo, Y., Xu, Z., Wang, L., Shen, C., ... & Hu, Y. (2016). Multichannel analysis of passive surface waves based on crosscorrelations. Geophysics, 81(5), EN57-EN66.

Xu, Z., Xia, J., Luo, Y., Cheng, F., & Pan, Y. (2016). Potential Misidentification of Love-Wave Phase Velocity Based on Three-Component Ambient Seismic Noise. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(4), 1115-1124.

Hu, Y., Wang, L., Cheng, F., Luo, Y., Shen, C., & Mi, B. (2016). Ground-roll noise extraction and suppression using high-resolution linear Radon transform. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 128, 8-17.

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, Y., Xu, H., Zhao, K., & Wang, K. (2015). On the limitations of interstation distances in ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 201(2), 652-661.

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Zhao, K., Xu, Y., & Xia, J. (2015). Unraveling overtone interferences in Love-wave phase velocity measurements by radon transform. Geophysical Journal International, 203(1), 327-333.

Wang, L., Xu, Y., Xia, J., & Luo, Y. (2015). Effect of near-surface topography on high-frequency Rayleigh-wave propagation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116, 93-103.

Wang, L., Xu, Y., & Luo, Y. (2015). Numerical Investigation of 3D multichannel analysis of surface wave method. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 119, 156-169.

Huang, R., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., & Jiang, X. (2014). Mantle transition zone structure beneath Southeastern China and its implications for stagnant slab and water transportation in the mantle. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171(9), 2129-2136.

Wang, K., Luo, Y., Zhao, K., & Zhang, L. (2014). Body waves revealed by spatial stacking on long-term cross-correlation of ambient noise. Journal of Earth Science, 25(6), 977.

Luo, Y., Xu, Y., & Yang, Y. (2013). Crustal radial anisotropy beneath the Dabie orogenic belt from ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 195(2), 1149-1164.

Luo, Y., Xu, Y., & Yang, Y. (2012). Crustal structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt from ambient noise tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 313, 12-22.

Wang, L., Luo, Y., & Xu, Y. (2012). Numerical investigation of Rayleigh-wave propagation on topography surface. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 86, 88-97.

Xia, J., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., Miller, R. D., Cakir, R., & Zeng, C. (2012). Advantages of using multichannel analysis of Love waves (MALW) to estimate near-surface shear-wave velocity. Surveys in Geophysics, 33(5), 841-860.

Luo, Y., Xia, J., Xu, Y., & Zeng, C. (2011). Analysis of group-velocity dispersion of high-frequency Rayleigh waves for near-surface applications. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74(2), 157-165.

Zhang, K., Luo, Y., Xia, J., & Chen, C. (2011). Pseudospectral modeling and dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31(10), 1332-1337.

Luo, Y., Xia, J., Xu, Y., Zeng, C., & Liu, J. (2010). Finite-difference modeling and dispersion analysis of high-frequency Love waves for near-surface applications. Pure and applied geophysics, 167(12), 1525-1536.




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