ࡱ> PSO RHbjbj2Ncc^(((8`t4(&\$Lp(R&T&T&T&T&T&T&$(C+x&-\\x&T&xxxjR&xR&xx:: , Pf >&&0&p R],], 8], Dxx&x&x&],, : The 7th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG 2016)The First AnnouncementGeophysical Solutions for Natural Resources and EnvironmentVenue: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesTime: June 24, 2016-June 27, 2016OrganizersChinese Geophysical Society Energy and Mining Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Central South UniversityChengdu University of TechnologyChang'an UniversityInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesCo-organizersInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)SponsorsKey Laboratory of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of SciencesKey Laboratory of Shale gas and Geoengineering, Chinese Academy of SciencesInstitute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of SciencesState Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining(CUMT)Committee of Mining Geophysics,Chinese Geophysical Society Committee of Engineering Geophysics,Chinese Geophysical Society Committee of Geophysical Technology, Chinese Geophysical Society Committee of Near Surface Geophysics,Chinese Geophysical Society Laolei (Beijing) Instrument Co., Ltd. Sino-Lionheart Technology Co., Ltd.Organizing Committee Honorary Chairman: Liu Guangding, He Jishan, Yang WencaiConference Chairman : Zhu Rixiang, Peng Su-pingExecutive Chairman: Di Qingyun, Yu Sheng, Xia Jianghai, Wang Xuben, Xu Yixian, Liu Jianxin, Li XiuSecretary General: Xue Guoqiang, Cheng JiulongDeputy Secretary General: Wang Zhongxing, Lei Da, Zhou Nannan, Chen WeiyingSecretary: Li Hai, Wang Yalu, Luan Xiaodong, Fayemi, Muhammad Younis KhanIn recent years, with the development of Chinese economy, the shallow resources have been exploited excessively, the deep-seated resources become the investigation targets for the Chinese geophysics. As a result, the research and development of high-power and high-performance geophysical equipment and the new methods for the processing and interpretation of geophysical data have been brought to the forefront. On the other hand, with the increase of the mining activities, the environmental problems and geological disasters occur frequently, which turns out to be a threat to the safety of peoples life and property. How to keep the balance between the development of the economy and the protection of the environment becomes one of the key issues. In order to promote the communication of environmental and engineering geophysics, and provide a world-class forum for new technical advances, developments, and applications in near-surface geophysics, the Seventh International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics will be held in June, 2016. We sincerely welcome the leading experts, international media, young professionals, and students to contribute and attend the conference.1. The Subject of the ConferenceThe conference focus on the cutting-edge technology, equipment and software related to the investigation of oil and gas resources, metal mineral resources, coal resources, shale gas, geothermal resources, and the geophysical problem of geologic hazard, engineering disaster and the environmental disaster.2. Invited lecturesAs part of the meeting, some of the most outstanding Environmental and Engineering geoscientists will present their 2016 ICEEG Honorary Lectures. The list of these Lectures will be announced in the next announcement.3. Call for papersWe welcome the submission of papers covering the theoretical developments and case histories in the broad topic of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, including:Metal-liferous deposits geophysical prospecting Geophysical applications of coal-mine disasters HydrogeophysicsEngineering geophysicsGeophysical instrumentsAirborne geophysicsDevelopment of geophysical softwareNear-surface geophysicsPapers may be written either in Chinese or English; and English abstract for a paper in Chinese and Chinese abstract for a paper in English is required.Papers submission begins at the same time when this announcement is released. The important dates for paper submission are as follows:The deadlines for submission of English abstract and Chinese papers: October 31, 2015 The deadlines for submission of English papers: December 31, 2015The date for the publication of the outstanding papers May 31, 2016(The same as (1))Please send abstracts and papers to: temcas@126.com.The conference has been included in the EI, ISTP system. Once accepted, the papers in English will be officially published by the Science Press, New York Branch. The outstanding papers will be recommended to Journals such as Chinese Journal of Geophysics (SCI), Applied Geophysics (SCI).The page charges are required for accepted paper: RMB 1000 for the paper within 6 pages, for the papers more than 6 pages, an additional RMB 300/page are required for the extra pages.In order to better communicate scientific ideas, the language of the speech can be Chinese or English depending on choice of the speakers. In addition, the organizers will provide the necessary facilities to the speakers to present their Chinese and English slides simultaneously.4. Registration:Registration starts from January1, 2016, you can register online via Http: //www.temcas.com/Or send E-mail to: temcas@126.comRegistration fee: RMB 1800Students: RMB 900Room and Board are not included5. ExhibitionsThe conference provide for the exhibitor with the exclusive opportunity to interact face-to-face with hundreds of end users, decision makers, and purchasers. The exhibitors can demonstrate and launch your cutting-edge technology, equipment, and services at the exhibitions. Registration for instrumental exhibitions begins at the same time when this announcement is released. Please send the information including types of instruments and areas for exhibition to: temcas@126.com.Gold sponsor RMB 20,000 or USD 300010 m2 space3 persons free of registration10 conference proceedings (both in Chinese and English)One page description on the conference guideSilver sponsor - 10,000 or USD 18006 m2 space1 person free of registration4 conference proceedings (both in Chinese and English)Half page description on the conference guideBronze sponsor - 6,000 or USD 1000: 1 person free of registration2 conference proceedings (both in Chinese and English)One third page description on the conference guide6. EnquiriesMailbox: temcas@126.comTelephonesZhou Nannan 18001217151, Li Hai 18612220165Chen Weiying (18610937782, Wang Yalu 15801128237)Address: No. 19 Beitucheng Western Road, Chaoyang District, BeijingICEEG2016 conference preparatory group Recipient: Zhou NannanPostal code: 1000/1ALSTYZpqz  ! # , 7 8 ? 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