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These talents should master the fundamental theory and the main skills related to geology, remote sensing, geographical information system, geophysics etc., on the basis of geoscience. And they will also have the capability of using the space, aviation, land integration of earth exploration technology to acquire, manage, analyze and synthesize geo-spatial information.Training Requirements: The major is a brand new one, which is characterized by the combination of geo-science, computer science and spatial information science (remote sensing, GIS, geophysics etc.). In the design of the courses, geology, mathematics, physics, computer science and spatial information science are the very important basis of the major, whose credits are about the 49% of the total credits. In the teaching plan, there are plenty of professional practices not only at campus but also out campus to cultivate the advanced compound students who are possessed of very tight basis, all-around educated and strong in practice, in order to encourage them to join the practices out of classroom and build them the abilities of practice, integrated analysis, scholarly communication and innovation.Graduates should obtain the following knowledge and abilities: learning the fundamental theory of geology, remote sensing science, geographical information system and their interdisciplinary subjects; accepting thinking and practicing training of geospatial information analysis and application; being with good science literacy; and mastering the main skills of earth exploration and information technology.Main Courses: The main courses include general geology, petrology, structural geology, digital image processing, high spatial resolution remote sensing, hyperspectral remote sensing, microwave remote sensing, remote sensing, geological geographical information systems, geophysical exploration, geology mapping and so on.  $*:LP^`dl( * ȶui_UH=H2h7c[hvCJKHhyhCJKHQJo(h7c[hvCJKHQJh7c[hv5CJh7c[h 85CJh7c[hv5CJo(h~|h~|CJo(h7c[h 8CJh7c[h 8CJQJh7c[h 85CJQJh7c[h5CJh5CJOJQJo("h9rhv5CJOJQJaJo("h9rh5CJOJQJaJo(h9rhv5CJOJQJaJ*h9rhv5CJKHOJQJ^JaJo( "`* : " xc$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gd 8$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gd9r$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gd~|$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gd~|$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gdyh$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gdv dh@&gdv dh@&gd $dh@&a$gd Q&`&* 8 : R T " 0 N r t ش|oobYObh7c[h 85CJh7c[hvCJh7c[h 8CJKHQJh9rhwCJKHQJh7c[h 8CJKHh7c[hv5CJh7c[hvCJKHh~|CJKHQJo(h7c[hvCJKHQJh~|hv5CJKHQJhyhCJKHQJo(htCJKHQJo(h9rhXCJKHQJh7c[h 85CJKHh7c[h 85CJKHQJ H.$%%%Q&S&T&e$dh1$G$H$gd7c[$e$dh1$G$H$a$gdY$e$dh1$G$H$a$gdjxV$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gdv$dh1$G$H$WD`a$gd 8 FHJ&-C   ymbYbNCh7c[hRfCJKHh7c[hYCJKHh~|CJKHo(h7c[hruCJKHh~|h~|5CJo(h7c[hY5CJKHo(h7c[hY5CJKHh7c[hru5CJKHh7c[h&5CJKHh7c[hvCJKHh7c[h 8CJKHh7c[h 8CJKHQJh7c[h 85CJKHQJh7c[hvCJKHQJh7c[hv5CJh7c[hvCJKHo(rs$$$$%%%%%%%%%%Q&R&T&U&W&X&Z&[&]&^&_&`&a&|x|x|x|xtpxh',h8/hPzjhPzUh7c[h]_CJKHh7c[h]_5CJKHh7c[hCJKHUh7c[h5CJKHh7c[hru5CJKHh7c[hruCJKHh7c[hYCJKHh7c[hR@CJKHh~|CJKHo(h7c[hRfCJKHh7c[h7c[CJKH)Main Professional Experiments: Remote Sensing Image Processing, GIS Software Applications, Remote Sensing Information Processing and Practicing, GIS development and practice, and Computer Practice DesignMain Field courses: Experiments and practice of professional courses, practice of field geological mapping, teaching internship, productive practice and graduation thesis writing of the major.Duration of the Program: 4 years. Degree Offered: Bachelor of Engineering. Related Program: Remote sensing, geographical information system, geo-physics, information engineering of geo-science.T&V&W&Y&Z&\&]&^&_&`&a&e$dh1$G$H$gd7c[&dPgd8/ 0182P. A!"#$%S J@J cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A$ ؞k=W[SOBiB nfhvKxfIP8oW~^>n_xf8-bvK1!c3xfH$j0f~^0!g, kj2C', k^x^xIP$%8y0!gon4XvL^9c) oYWru '29H&9I+8/'0@0t733 4 8qg>R@CMH{eHLI*NBQbQ+VjxVjXJ|Y7c[F\ ^G`oafRfyhm9r.uMx fxNp|*p~2a# u_k\ t<nt:vDwQ,a{KoX5jW j]vE*n"q gy]_icMyX bf,&PzvNkX&t@J~|$h7;',c-Y@2( X``@`H@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;[SOSimSun 1hl t*F1M M !-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 000000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[BB@2qHP ?t732DN1UserNgKfOh+'0p   , 8DPX`h1User Normal.dot6Microsoft Office Word@f`@>HL:@~@<HM ՜.+,0 X`t|  MicrosoftB   !#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry FH61Table;WordDocument2*SummaryInformation("DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjm  FMicrosoft Office Word ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q