ࡱ> 695[ Rbjbj8ΐΐio;;;;;OOO8O_aaaaaa$z:!;_";;d;;__@k&OdK0I; : TitleAuthor* 1 Author21 Affiliate 1, City, State or Province, Country2 Affiliate 2, City, State or Province, Country1 INTRODUCTIONThe abstract needs to be one four pages in length. Longer sized manuscripts are not being recommended. The page size is A4 (210 x 297 mm) with one section. Page margins are 30 mm for the top, the bottom and the left sides, and 25 mm for right side.2 THEORY/METHODThe caption for a figure or table uses the font Times New Roman 9 pts, and should be centered. A half-line space needs to be set above and below the caption line. A caption should be placed below the corresponding figure, while a table caption should be placed above the corresponding table.3 EXAMPLES (Optional)3.1 Example 1Please use the font Times New Roman 10.5 pts with 1.25 times line spacing for the main text.3.1 Example 24 CONCLUSIONSThe corresponding information should be given at the left corner of the first page.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Optional)REFERENCESThe reference format should agree with the one of Chinese Journal of Geophysics.The name of the corresponding author: address, telephone, and email.CIGEW2017 Wuhan, Hubei   ,.046FHJ  8 F ` ~yunaW~WR h8 o(hKlPJnHtHhP7hKlPJnHtH hP7hKlhKl hlno( hKlo(hmhmo( hUhKlCJPJaJnHtHhUhKlCJaJo(hUhmCJaJo(hmhmCJaJo(hmhmCJH*aJo(hmhKlCJH*aJo(h*2KCJH*aJo(hKlCJaJo( hmo(hKl5CJaJo(  0 5 C D R $d,WD`a$gdGd,WD`gdlngdlnd,WD`gd:)d,WD`gdKlgd3 $pYDa$gdm$a$gdm$a$gd&I$8XD2YDda$gd&I 0 3 c d    1 2 3 4 5 = G N X e f n t v 3 C F Ŀαα쬵Ĭؘhlnhlno(h#h3o(hln h#o(h8 h?a'PJnHtH h:)o(hlnPJnHtHh8 PJnHtH hlno( hKlo( h3o( hmo( he*o( h8 o(hKlPJnHtH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nHsH tHR`R mcke $1$a$(CJKHOJQJ_HaJmH nHsH tHN@N 3h 1$$dxx@&5CJKH,\aJ,N`N lnh 2$$d,xx@&5PJ\^JaJ $A`$ ؞k=W[SOBiB 0nfh3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛KY,e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlYMoE#F{oc'vGuرhF[x=ޝzvg53NjHHzZ $ʯI)*E_N&IA!>Ǽ3xN>UWL0Č߫߿z}rx{h9T8T/χ?xY'~3S~O_|w)ӈHt=a+d NG1-RlƁ1RJwT蠯M1K"o he˓ێ½PL-|%EhY7'qP.\L=dqķ3Iofi.ñBRb-JP_pG ݢiKtdӌhFio7;7Q2ȾD>a/Q>XW ˔M_uHq)h +:Viw4rBqϫ"r!2laCbU|!8^8>ܠ,AбVt׎~ls14_=,ɬožTV G"ѦbH'.4x޵w-ϷE|F;v`b3"G 'e\fHO '$i_wp >*8i&LY%\,xҕ= r6f 3Tʅ):ªZKLs&C Mܛ0 [˫p@ע`j۽7 YHxHicT5Ar@HZAZC}i' RQ\m,zo,gQu{Y\,Nר/=L _.̇Y7C6-fSh62"5NHT[X65̫4X%Yֳ2fkhi~tCKF#b +w1m|4`!:U!p5a:~{4mmio ήc8mDJpSǹ橠V1?#Si?3E'pS2W`qB]( 08w nA[s)k8= Aa?R dڒɾcUӽ˲d)#Queb}C!&i0>4S7{z F} 4sKvUKoȳh~1jYUVH5U8Vk;֜L9ŰD ?*|FL"A3>g]dm2iVֵ褽mg  nnnnnq F    @  @H 0(  |(  D   "?B S  ? "FjtiikkllnoqrtuHUiikkllnoqrtu3xiikkllnoqrtuGln&#?a':)e*]3#6B8aD&I*2KKl2{U8 'Tkk!:m/83ik@. @UnknownG* Times New Roman5Symbol3. * ArialG5  hMS Mincho-3 fg7.{ @Calibri;[SOSimSun7K@CambriaA BCambria Math 1hSS /!?!%),.:;>?]}    & 0 2 3 : !6"000 0 00000006:>@DZ\^ =@\]^$([{  0 0 000000Y[];[gg2QHX $Pm2!xxUserUserOh+'0l  ( 4@LT\dUser Normal.dotmUser10Microsoft Office Word@ِ@4L@̺&՜.+,0 X`px nsfcg   !"#$&'()*+,./0123478;Root Entry F0&:Data 1TableWordDocument 8SummaryInformation(%DocumentSummaryInformation8-MsoDataStoreP&@k&THZHCZHYAK==2P&@k&Item  PropertiesUCompObj u   F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q